The Project for a New American Citizen

Monday, October 30, 2006

Military Commissions Act Protest on Thursday Nov. 2

On October 17, 2006 President Bush signed the Military Commissions Act to allegedly give our Military more tools to fight terrorism.

This legislation grants unchecked Authority to the Executive Branch to label people as “unlawful enemy combatants” which are defined solely by the executive, and if they see fit, there is no legal barrier that can protect US citizens from bearing this abominable label without the right to question it. That means YOU!

Come help reclaim the Bill of Rights with UT student group the Project for the New American Citizen on Thursday, November 2 from 12 pm to 2 pm on the West Mall of UT campus. Guadalupe & 22nd St. We will be hosting an array of speakers, including Jim Hightower and the Executive Director of ACLU-Texas Will Harrell, and several others.

Then later that day we will be hosting 2006 Congressional Candidate Michael Badnarik at the UTC 4.104 on UT campus from 7-8 pm to speak on this disturbing new legislation.

No one is more enslaved than those that think they are free; come reclaim freedom and make our presence known.


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