The Project for a New American Citizen

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Screening this Tuesday at Brave New Books

This Tuesday October 3rd at 8pm we will be screening 911 Mysteries at Brave New Books(1904 Guadalupe). This is the first of a two part film 911 mysteries: Controlled Demolition. it is by far the best quality and best researched film on Controlled Demoliition to date. Before the screening we will be having our group meeting at 7pm also at Brave new Books
i hope to see you there.



  • Not much to do with the upcoming screening, but I had to post this article link. This is it: America is now worse than Nazi Germany, according to the laws written/passed by Congress. The Nazis never wrote things like torture into law, they just did it; Congress has upped the ante by passing the new "detainee" legislation bill. I am literally DISGUSTED by this! Read the article!

    Go to and read the top-left main article titled, "Bush Given Authority to Sexually Torture American Children"

    ~Alex Archer

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:36 AM  

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