The Project for a New American Citizen

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New Site is Up and Running

Hello fellow truth community,
Our new site is currently up and running. Please go to the new site at:

We dropped the "s" to make it easier to remember and more intuitive with our name. Although it is still under construction we have several documentaries up along with some videos of our group. We also have a forum up that we encourage people to sign up on and start helping us research for the site, as well as just sharing information in general.

Thanks for your support...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Rebuilding America's Senses

A Project for the New American Citizen invites you to
Rebuilding America’s Senses, a two-day conference aimed at exposing state- sponsored terrorism and its application in staged false-flag operations. By understanding these two fundamental concepts, one can better comprehend how governments have historically used fear and even terrorism as a means to control their populations.
The conference will be organized around the historical and present use of state-sponsored terrorism, as well as its inevitable use in the future. It is our belief that a citizenry who is aware of such tactics will not be so easily coerced into supporting another unjustifiable war and continued degradation of their rights.

By attending this free conference you will hear from a number of prestigious speakers, drawn from all over the country, provide irrefutable physical and socio-scientific proof that Western governments have indeed been behind the major terrorist events of our lives, including the attacks of September 11th, the 7/7 bombings in London, the Oklahoma City bombing and many more.

WHEN: Join us Saturday April 14th at 11 AM and Sunday at 10 AM for a day long truth forum.
WHERE: The University of Texas at Austin. Room Burdine 106
Link to map.

SPEAKERS: Steven Jones, Alex Jones, Bob Bowman, Webster Tarpley, and Chris Emery

Then after the conference we invite you to Protest the Empire.
At 5 PM at the Main Mall ( in front of the UT tower)
An all encompassing rally, protesting the destruction of our constitution and rights, State-Sponsored terrorism, the lies of 9/11, the illegal wars in the Middle East, and the coming war with Iran.

(Our new site will be functional soon with more details of the event)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Link to Obama video

From our friends over at infowars: Alex Jones interviews Matt about the Obama event.

Click here for the Jones Report Article.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

John Carona Hearing / Say NO to the Texas Toll Roads Protest

Many of you are already familiar with the TTC, or Trans-Texas Corridor. If not, please take a look here to learn more...

First off Senator John Carona will be having a hearing on this issue:
Thursday, March 1st
at the Capital Extension Auditorium E1.004

And then the next day, farm and ranch groups across rural Texas are organizing to parade up Congress Avenue to the Capitol Building Friday, March 2nd.

It begins at Cesar Chavez (1st) and Red River at 1:30pm and should be on the Capital Grounds by 2:30pm.

This will be in response to "policy" advocated by Governor Rick Perry, among others, to implement tolls on already existing roads. This would be the first time in history that already-existing roads would be turned into toll roads! The toll will be part of a larger system of highways called the Trans-Texas Corrior, or TTC, stretching from Mexico to the Northern border of Texas. We MUST make our numbers known to stop this highway! Please PLEASE make it to this protest and be among the livestock, tractors, and angry Texans that commonly seek to stop legislation that is absolutely NOT in the interest of the people!

To complete this project a large scale claim of eminent domain will need to be implemented; making it the largest eminent domain case in United States History...

The TTC is also part of a larger plan for a NAFTA super-highway that will stretch between Mexico and Canada. Without going too into it, this basically opens up the plans for a North American Union: a move to combine Mexico, Canada, and the United States into a EU type situation. Don't believe me? Look up the Amero on youtube...

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Some pictures from the demolition this morning...

Other videos:

Saturday, February 24, 2007

PNAC at Obama's rally

A hard to miss sign from the media's stand point.

The message was unavoidable and was featured prominently, inadvertently, in the replay of Obama's speech last night on channel 8, among others I'm sure. Here you are:

Monday, February 19, 2007

Iran Plans

US 'Iran attack plans' revealed

Hopefully this isn't nearly as imminent as everyone is beginning to feel...